• 2906 reviews
Eye Dropper
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Eye Dropper
Eye Dropper
Eye Dropper
Eye Dropper

Eye Dropper: The Best Chrome Extension for Picking Colors

Are you tired of struggling to find the perfect color for your designs? Look no further - Eye Dropper is here to save the day! As an open source extension, Eye Dropper allows you to easily pick colors from web pages, use a color picker, and even access your own personal color history. This powerful tool has a total rating of 4.38, based on user reviews.

Unleash Your Creativity with Eye Dropper

Eye Dropper has revolutionized the way I create designs. With just a few clicks, I can extract any color I see on a web page and effortlessly use it for my own projects. Whether it's a vibrant shade from a stunning photograph or a subtle hue from a logo, the possibilities are endless.

Easy-to-Use Color Picker

One of the standout features of Eye Dropper is its built-in color picker. Gone are the days of manually trying to replicate a color using codes or searching for matching shades. With this chrome extension color picker , you simply hover over the desired color, click, and voila - the color is instantly copied to your clipboard. It's that easy!

Your Personal Color History

Ever come across a color that you absolutely loved, but forgot to save for future use? With Eye Dropper, that will never be a problem again. This chrome extension color swatch keeps track of your personal color history, allowing you to easily revisit and reuse your favorite colors. It's like having your own personal color library at your fingertips!

Stay Ahead with Eye Dropper

Eye Dropper understands the importance of staying on top of changing color trends. That's why this chrome extension color matching tool is constantly updated to ensure compatibility with the latest web technologies. You can trust that Eye Dropper will always provide accurate color information, giving you the confidence to create stunning designs that are ahead of the curve.

Experience the Magic of Eye Dropper Today

Don't waste any more time struggling to find the perfect color. Join the millions of satisfied users who have already discovered the power of Eye Dropper. Install this game-changing chrome extension color palette generator now and unlock your creative potential!

Open source extension

Easily pick colors from web pages

Color picker functionality

Personal color history feature

2906 reviews
30 Reviews For This Extension
Max Pond

Love this extension! However it's currently got a bug for new downloaders so that it just loads forever. Please fix!

Cody Somerville

Didn't work.

pasindu mindula

the best extension for picking a color from webview

Nicolas Castro

great extencion!!!

Felix R

One of my go to tools as an artist!!

Zef Carl Dave M.Cambare

Very useful. I recommend.

Md Shoaib

Good extension

Jim T

Just doesn't work. click on button click on bit of website - doesn't register color. It keeps trying to try other extensions. Please I ask you...

Quad Computer Services Ltd

Works well. Although it seemed to fail at first - just whirred for ages. Found that I needed to close all Chrome windows after installation. At which point it worked as described.

Olivia Lerner

It doesn't work for me either. Tried to find the color on this site: https://www.cutmy.co.uk/splashbacks/premium-glass/blues/oval-room-blue/6mm/?gad_source=1&gclid=CjwKCAiA1-6sBhAoEiwArqlGPnkgOMr77UJPUwoK2R6dDhjchk0ZSQpIdrdfdxRFZZQmrMiCBs9s8xoCeL4QAvD_BwE Circle went round and round and seemed stuck.

Gemma-Louise Burland

Does not work for me, the loading wheel just continues to spin and nothing

Enrico Romagnoli

Does not work for me. It has been loading for about 5 minutes... Will have to find another way to identify the colour.


a very good extension. this helps me identify colors i dont know

Ocean 3D Ltd

Great little extension. I use it regularly when I need to create a clients corporate palette colours for corporate work and I don't have time to wait for someone to contact the media team and then wait for them to get back to me. Click, paste job done :)

Rasara Ravinath

super tool

J.J. Tiemeyer

So easy to use and convenient!

Darrell Wyatt

Doesn't work on the latest version of Chrome. Unfortunate, but there seems to be a lot of alternatives.

Constantin Aparaschive

Best extension ever!

Shanice Drumgold

I used every once in a while for creative endeavors. I'm a fan.

Jess Stephenson

This tool has saved me a lot of time!

Amanda Bolgiano Howell

This is an amazing tool. It saves hours of playing with colors. You see it. You like it. You can grab the HEX. Thank you for the grace of sharing it for free. I'll be back to donate. I won't forget!

Christina Douglas

It's free - and it's great. I really value being able to get that 'elusive' shade of colour I'm looking for without having the knowledge of a graphic designer.


Very useful extension, but putting an entire full screen advert for an AI app on my screen after updating is unacceptable. I will be uninstalling.

Doug Fox

invaluable for matching colors found in logos and other sources, especially when the logo displayed on a given website does not match the color of the logo they provide for downloading and inclusion as a link/group ID on your website. also great for when you notice a non-proprietary/trademarked color you really like and want to use it for your materials.


This is litterly a very useful and good extension and its free too. Thank you for making this, its the best eyedropper extenstion out there.

Matthew Burt

Why can't I delete colors from my palette. If I accidentally make one single mistake my entire palette is ruined with wrong color. I want to be able to figure out colors and copy to clipboard without adding them to a palette and the way to do this currently is to click "add to palette" button but not actually click on site and instead hover and memorize (no clipboard). This is silly, as I should be able to just find out a color and copy WITHOUT saving. Even so, this method works enough, as long as I don't accidentally click while hovering... then it's game over, entire palette tossed out the window and start over. So frustrating.

Maria Ny

Excellent extension. I use it almost every day! Thank you!

Matheus “Matt” Pratta

This extension used to be good, now seems to be some kind of adware if not worse thing. Caused a popup to some "MaxAI" extension to popup on all of my devices. Uninstalling right now!

Richard Gunther

For all intents and purposes, this extension is now adware, opening tabs in your browser promoting other extensions. This gets uninstalled now, and I'll be finding a new color picking extension. Poor form, team. Poor form.

John Barrett (speedking456)

**EDITED** This extension is fantastic, it does as it says, and at this moment does not open sponsored tabs. After looking through the GitHub issue and reviewing the open source code myself, it does not appear that Ondra (the developer) had any malicious intent with this change. Ondra, if you're reading this, I understand where you're coming from. As a fellow dev, I too like to get compensated for my work, so no hard feelings.

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